Ornamental flowering peach urban home gardening


                                        CONTAINER GARDENING 


                                       CROSSBREED  DMV  VARIETIES   


          Jardinage urbain de pêchers à fleurs ornementales ( Variétés résistantes - tolérantes à la cloque)
                                              Trồng  cây  đào  hoa cảnh nơi cư ngụ  thành thị
                                                                        ( loại cây không bị bịnh xoăn lá)

         The world population is currently growing by approximately 74 million people per year. Current  United Nation predictions estimate that the world population will reach 9.OO billion around 2050.Our cities need more green spaces for rest and relax.Parks and  other green spaces help keep cities cool and as places of relax,can help with health issues.Even looking at green and blossoming,can make you feel better.
         But in increasingly crowded cities,it can be difficult to find space for gardening.Hopefully,
there are other potentiel green spaces that can provide the same benefits.
         Today more and more people are moving into condominiums or apartments in the cities.The one thing that people seems to miss,however,is no land for gardening.Yet growing a vegetable on a balcony is not easy to realized because the choice of plants is limited .But make such spaces beautiful,you can compensate this deficiency with ornamental trees or some plants that prefer shade.
         JUST BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN THE CITY DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU CANNOT HAVE A BEAUTIFUL AND PRODUCTIVE GARDEN. Urban gardening is extremely popular these days and for good reason.
         People in cities and suburban areas are coming to appreciate the many benefits of gardening
even a small space.
         Growing your own vegetable yard, balcony or terrace is fantastic pastime and can relieve stress as well as lessen your soucis or depression.

                                   Dao Hoa Ornamental Flowering Peach front yard, back street gardening


          Every neighborhood needs some flower trees.Trees take in carbon dioxide and provide us
oxygen,cleaning and freshing the air around us.They soften the sharp edges of building and lend curves to the straight lines man has imposed on our view.Even small tree created some shade.
         Just because you have a small yard or balcony does not mean that you cannot have a tree
(eventually an ornamentlal flowering peach tree ?)
         Flowering peach trees grow with dark green leaves that provide a beautiful contrast with the attractive mid spring flowers. Flowering peach trees well pruned are suitable for balcony terrace gardening.
         Ornamental flowering peaches are a great way to bring nature indoors,brighten a room and
naturally clean indoor air.They create a calming influence that helps reduce stress.
         Not only can plants fill a home with the burst of colors,the mere presence of plants in our surrounding brings a feeling of refreshment.


                                                   Ornamental Flowering Peach balcony gardening
                                                    Photos courtoisy of Mrs Dô thi Thuc- Paris France


 Ornamental Flowering Peach outdoor gardening

                                                                        Photo courtesy of Mrs Trinh ngoc Diêp - Germany

                                                                  Photo courtesy of Mrs Vu tuyêt Nga - California USA


           Growing flowering peaches in containers makes gardening accessible to almost anyones
including those with limited mobility and elderly.
           Flowering peaches generally perform better in cooler climates,however some varieties have
been adapted to the low latitudes because they have low winter chilling requirements. Most treees
purchased are grafted onto stronger root stocks so the flowers are uniform and healthy

          You need to know what the average  peach chill hours are in your area.
          What are peach chill hours : They are the minimum number of hours below 45°F (7°C) that
the tree must endure before it receive its proper rest and can break dormancy.These peach chill hours fall between November 1 and February 15 , although the most important time occurs in December
through January . As you've probably guessed,those hours will be different in areas of.the country.
          If you are unable to determine the peach chill hours (the cold requirements for peaches),in your
area,your Agriculture Office can help you find informations you need.
          Your local nursery will carry varieties and cultivars suitable to your area's chilling requirements.For flowering peach trees purchased from a catalog,however you should do your own research.For those of you who live in warmer or cooler climates where peaches are hard to grow,there are cultivars known as low or high chill hours peach trees.

          Peach chill hours can range from only 50 to 1000 depending on the cultivars and the loss of even 50-100 of those minimum hours can reduce the blossoming by 50 percent. A loss of  200 or more can devastate the blossoming
          Cold requirements for peach that fall  under 500 hours are considered low chill hour peaches.
          If you buy a cultivar that requires peach chill hours above what your area can offer,you may never see a single blossom.That's why it's important to know the cold requirements for peach trees before you buy and plant.
          Plants in containers can be moved to suit your needs or to more suitable sunny or shady location during the day.Mobile on wheels,suitable for re-entrances,flowering garden in containers can be moved with you.
          Ornamental flowering peaches are hardy when dormant over winter;but since they blossom early in the spring,the flowers are susceptible to frost damages : Move the tree inside  if a frost
threatens or cover it with horticultural fleece.
          Flowering peaches can be grown in at least 80 cm diameter containers filled with soil based
and they need annual pruning to keep them within bounds.
          Container gardening lets me be inventive as I feel like being.It's the one area of my yard that changes every year and it's never boring.You will need a large container whose base must have drainage holes,because peaches will not grown in waterlogges. Line the bottom of the container with
horticultural grit or small stones and pebbles. This will ensure excess water drains away.
           Plants grown in containers however do require more cares than plants grown in traditional garden beds in the ground;The medium in the container drains easily leading nutrients,and it becomes warmer than soil in the ground causing it to dry out faster and necessitating more frequent applications of fertilizer and water.
          Growing flowering peaches in outdoor containers provides colors and interest in a landscape.Containers for flowering peach can be placed on balcony,terrace,entrance area or walkway.
Containers are mobile and can be moved to a sunny spot.Container gardening can also be a way of avoiding aggressive plants that may otherwise take over traditional garden place.



                                              WITH GREEN FOLIAGE IN SUMMER-TIME




                                             SPRING-TIME BLOSSOM

          The deficiences of green spaces are common in urban cities.The urban garden has seen significant shifts over the years based on economic and social factors.Container gardening offers great versality in ornamental flowering peaches and provides solution for many landscape challenges.They can remedy for pour soil quality,small space, restrictive growing conditions and even mobility issues.
          You can use the perfect soil,place the container in the best sun exposure or move them around
as needed or wanted.
          When selecting a container,be sure it is large enough to accomodate the plants at their mature size.Use the longest duration of time release fertilizer possible.
           Flowering peach container gardens are a great way to try a new plant hybride or a show- case  of specimen plant.                       

          Container gardening is extremely friendly  and is a great way to spend time together as a

                                                                                    Nguyen dinh Mao
                                                                               Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden