Snowfall over flowering peach garden

                            Snowfall over Flowering Peach Garden

                                                    Chute de neige sur le jardin de pêchers à fleurs

                                                    Tuyết rơi xuống vườn Đào Hoa Cảnh
                                                                                                   7th February 2018

    Snowfalls covered the flowering peach trees that looked like the white flowering ones in bloom
    (Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden - Paris Ile de France)

                                          High from the sky
                                          Snowflakes were falling
                                          Over my flowering peach garden
                                          In the corner of Paris suburbs
                                          To enneiger all branches of the trees ...
                                          Then we had a lanscape of flowering peach trees
                                          In white snowy blooms that seem .


                                          Haut du ciel
                                          Les flocons de neige tombaient
                                          Sur mon jardin de pêchers à fleurs
                                          Dans un coin de la Banlieue de Paris
                                          Pour enneiger toutes les branches des arbres ...
                                          Ensuite nous avons eu un paysage
                                          De floraison des pêchers d'ornement
                                           A fleurs d'un blanc de neige.qui semblent .

                                          Từ trên trời cao
                                          Cánh tuyết rậm rơi xuống
                                          Vườn đào hoa cảnh
                                          Nơi thành phố Ba Lê phụ cận
                                          Thể hiện ra một hình ảnh thiên tạo
                                          Vườn đào hoa trải thảm trắng
                                          Như thể có một mùa hoa  nở
                                          Với mầu sắc tuyết  bạch đào.
                                                                                      Đ i n h   N g u y e n

     Double snow white flowering peach prunus persica in blooming season
     ( Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden- Paris Ile de France)

              Paris  and its suburbs were under a snowfall in February 2018. Heavy snowfalls across northern France caused wide spread travel disruption on wednesday February 2018.
              This is the first notable snowfall of the season.At least 15 cm of snow fell around capital's
suburbs,the biggest snowfalls since 2013,the french meteorologists said.
               Heavy snow is not common in Paris. The average winter sees 15 days with some snowfalls,
but most of those are only a dusting.
               It was the biggest snow accumulation in decades in Paris coating Montmartre,Notre Dame de Paris and the Eiffel Tower in a pristine layer of white.
               Paris may be famous for its springtime.Many striking photos of Paris in snow have been circulating on the Internet with snowfall having been at levels not seen for more 30 years.Some of
them especially caught our eyes.
               Photos of record snowfall in Paris are just as dreamy as you'd expect.
                                                                   *    *

               Heavy snow covered our flowering peach garden. We walk on snow covered path in our Dao Hoa flowering peach garden in Paris suburbs as winter weather  with snow and freezing temperature arrived in France..
               Our flowering peach trees  were covered with heavy dumping of snowfalls.
               Snow turned France into winter wonderland.Paris wakes up to spectacle snowy scenes

               Look at that beautiful white coat covering our Dao Hoa flowering peach garden.

               We are pleased to show you some shots taken from our Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden for watching  :




                                                                                NGUYEN DINH MAO
                                                                       Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden