The rush to consume the new breed flat peach

                               La ruée vers la consommation de la nouvelle pêche plate de race
                                     Hướng tiêu thụ dồn về trái đào dẹt  lai tạo

                                             F U L L   C O M P I L A T I O N





                This is the sweetiest and tastiest crossbreed flat peach ever seen in the past.Its arrival in the market causes a competition with the ancient round peaches.
                 This summer 2018 ,the flat peach finds in place on super market stalls facing round peaches,nectarines and brugnons.This strong  production  competition between flat and round peache varieties coupled with a more laborious flow of flat peaches explain the crisis of the peach fruit market in the world.
                 Flat peach breeding was performed in many countries.Recherchers and developers,
professional and private breeders produced well numerous flat peach varieties because they seem suitable to the consumption of people who claim the sweeter peach.
                 There's really no loser in this new peach competition unless of course,they are found to be superior than other species

                                          THE    PEACH  HISTORY
                           Evolution from the wild peaches to the superior modern peaches.

Ancient peach pits recently unearthed in China indicate that peaches were cultivated in China at least
7000 years. Evidence found during recent archeological excavations in the lower Yangtze River
Valley in southern China suggests that peaches were domesticated in that area thousands of years ago and probably originated there than in northwestern China as previous thought. Domestication means that people were consciously selecting for preferred fruit traits by clonal reproduction rather than just
planting the seeds of their favorit fruits.
                          Wild peaches tended to have a thin tough flesh.Cultivated peaches are larger and have a greater volume of flesh in proportion to the stone.Modern varieties also have a wider range of maturity times than wild peaches allowing for a supply of fruits over a long period.Wild species tend to be mid or late maturing.
                           Peach seeds have a great genetic variability. If people grew peach trees from seeds,there would be no grarantees for the new trees to produce similar fruits to the parent trees,
but trees producing large fruits could easily have been selected and propagated using roostock and grafting 
                                                                                                     ( Ref-  Geraldine Warner )

                              THE MODERN BREED FLAT PEACH

                That is the almost ancient chinese pan tao peach which also called peento peach,then chinese flat peach, and after being bred ,this fruit became new flat peach... Marketing has taken over the pan tao peach and you are most likely to find it displayed under the name saturn, donut peach.   
                 The pan tao peach is the heavy producer. One tree will produce nearly twice as many peaches as other fruiting peach trees.The pan tao is frost hardy,self fruitful and blooms earlier and
heavier in spring than most other varieties. Harvest will begin in late spring and extend to the end of summer.
                 Ancient chinese orchard keepers divided flat peaches into golden or yellow fleshed peaches and silver or white fleshed peaches.The white flat peach is much sweeter than yellow peaches and lower in acidity .
                 Study indicates that flat and round fruit shape in peach is primarily determined by the
regulation of cell production in the vertical direction during early fruit development.Flat peach cultivars possessed significantly lower number of cells in the vertical axis because cell division
in the vertical division stopped early in the flat fruit cultivars than in the round fruit cultivars.This
resulted in the reduction in vertical development in flat fruit.
                 The pantao flat peach trees were introduced  to the United States from China to New Jersey
in 1871.Their fruits gained popularity in the 1990s (Wikipedia). Other information said that the pantao was introduced to the USA in 1866 but has only recently gained  worldwide acceptance after having been bred to grow in United States and Europe
                 Further more,  the flat peach has been bred  into variety to grow in low chilling zone and variety to grow in high chilling zone  in order to facilitate the flat peach growing in tropical zone and in cold hardiness zone   :The flat peach  would be the fruit without climated frontier.
                 It is interesting to produce here some articles relating to the history of flat peaches found on the  Internet for your reading.
 GO TO THE LINK hereafter (from Google search),  a second click, please  :

A History of the New Jersey Peach (Rutgers NJAES) › peach › history-statistics › nj-...

                     These documents tell us about the period in which the trial of flat peaches in New Jersey was carried out in 1886;At the beginning It seemed that the results  were discouraging,given the
following sentences : " ... These produced many distinct seedlings;some were of exceeding dwarf growth and died when two years old. Others produced semi double flowers and were of tall growth,but  falling to produce fruit for a number of years,were finally uprouted..."
                      It is clear how traditional peaches were losing their appeal to  consumers,
however saturn bred peaches with various aromas and tastes,are subacid and generally white.  They continue to do well. No crossbreed has been succesful so far as the time frame is very long.When new bred varieties arrived,they need to be observed for at least 4 - 5 years to make sur they adapt to the soil and weather conditions.   
                     The original chinese flat peach was not cold hardy enough to grow in New Jersey,not even in counties well known for peach culture. So the breeders at Rutgers  through a long process of trial and error,selected out a strain of peento with frost resistant buds. This is critical because the tree blooms early.The bred flat peach resistant to late frost is what distinguishes the saturn peach from its parents pantao and why it was given a new name.
                     Bred saturn peaches was licensed to propagate the trees and sell them commercially ..Now that the license has expired,many other growers are offering it and that's why we are beginning to see this peach in worldwide countries. Saturn peach has lots of different names in different countries. Some called it Donut peach , Paraguayo peach, Pantao peach, Belly up peach, Saucer peach, UFO peach,Hat peach etc...Consumers enjoint flat saturn peach,but it is werd and show how little people know about the processes involved with breeding new fruit varieties.
                   Today every plant we eat is a product of selective breeding and often more active manipulation of genes as well. In fact Mendel the father of modern genetics,revealed to us all the existence of genes by modifying them. Mendel crossbred pea plants to show how their traits were passed  along to the next generation. So in the 1850 we had,in essence genetically modified peas.
                    Tomatoes,romaine lettuce,pineapple,corn,rice,watermelon and almost all other modern products have their origins in nature,of course,but as eaten today are decidly products of careful selective breeding.This can involve selecting the plants with favoured traits,but may involve hybridization as well-the fusion of one plant with another in order to get offspring with the desired traits of both. We owe many of our fruits and vegetables along with our beautiful flowers(e.g hybrid roses,ornamental flowering peaches). Seedless grapes,watermelons,are poducts of wilfull genetic modifications.Nectarines are the result of careful culling of a recessive gene in peaches that eleminates their eponymous fuzzy skin.


                   The last decade has been characterizided by a decrease in peach fruit consumption in
many countries,formost due to the unsatisfactory quality of peaches.
                    The sugar content is one of the most important quality traits perceived by consumers,and the development of novel peach prunus persica cultivars with sugar enhanced content is the primary
objective of breeding programs to revert the  market inertia.
                    Understanding the physiology and genetics of sugar accumulation in peach is essential
to breeding sweeter more popular fruit .Prunus persica is one of the most difficult  crops to improve
 by breeding,thanks to limited genetic variability and a lack of informations on the genetic basic of complex traits.Further more,declining sales of peaches are thought to result from fruit shape poor flavor,a trait combining taste,aroma and mouth feel.
                    In peach,the flat fruit cultivars have become more and more popular worldwide,because fruit shape is an important external chracteristic that consumers use to select perferred fruit cultivars.

                   Younger consumers seem to like sweet and low acid peaches because many of the attractive white fllesh flat peach varieties developed for markets have low acidty and have become readily available from growers.. Peaches have a relatively short storrage season ,so they are sold in
season ,one variety following another ,but peaches are rarely sold by name. The new bred flat peaches marketed as Saturn, Donut ect... the trademarketed names are very novel.

                                 FLAT PEACH PEENTO  BECAME SATURN-DONUT FLAT PEACH
                  Saturn-Donut flat peach are the  branches of breeding program started by chinese emperor
several hundred years ago .Flat peaches from China arrived via the Rutger tree station in New Jersey. Stark Bro's Nursery held the exclusive patent.When patent rights lapsed around1986, the proliferation
of flat peach in the US and Europe began. Flat Saturn-Donut peach are quickly becoming the latest trend in hybrid fruit breeds
                              Flat peaches aren't genetically modified oddities. They are descendants of wild 
pantas (peentu peaches)fromChina which where introduced to the US nearly 150 years ago.It wasn't
until the 60 and 7O's however,that scientists at Rutgers New Jersey  Agicultural Experiment Station hybridized the plants,to produce hardier frost resistant trees with bigger,sweeter,low in acid,high in
sugar.They brought the varieties to Stark Bros's Nurseriesand Orchard Co Missouri which purchased
 the license to grow and sell the trees.
                             Though the trees were originally intended for home gardeners,flat peaches growing in Whasington were eventually brought to the attention of Frieda's Specialty Produce,the company

Snowfall over flowering peach garden

                            Snowfall over Flowering Peach Garden

                                                    Chute de neige sur le jardin de pêchers à fleurs

                                                    Tuyết rơi xuống vườn Đào Hoa Cảnh
                                                                                                   7th February 2018

    Snowfalls covered the flowering peach trees that looked like the white flowering ones in bloom
    (Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden - Paris Ile de France)

                                          High from the sky
                                          Snowflakes were falling
                                          Over my flowering peach garden
                                          In the corner of Paris suburbs
                                          To enneiger all branches of the trees ...
                                          Then we had a lanscape of flowering peach trees
                                          In white snowy blooms that seem .


                                          Haut du ciel
                                          Les flocons de neige tombaient
                                          Sur mon jardin de pêchers à fleurs
                                          Dans un coin de la Banlieue de Paris
                                          Pour enneiger toutes les branches des arbres ...
                                          Ensuite nous avons eu un paysage
                                          De floraison des pêchers d'ornement
                                           A fleurs d'un blanc de neige.qui semblent .

                                          Từ trên trời cao
                                          Cánh tuyết rậm rơi xuống
                                          Vườn đào hoa cảnh
                                          Nơi thành phố Ba Lê phụ cận
                                          Thể hiện ra một hình ảnh thiên tạo
                                          Vườn đào hoa trải thảm trắng
                                          Như thể có một mùa hoa  nở
                                          Với mầu sắc tuyết  bạch đào.
                                                                                      Đ i n h   N g u y e n

     Double snow white flowering peach prunus persica in blooming season
     ( Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden- Paris Ile de France)

              Paris  and its suburbs were under a snowfall in February 2018. Heavy snowfalls across northern France caused wide spread travel disruption on wednesday February 2018.
              This is the first notable snowfall of the season.At least 15 cm of snow fell around capital's
suburbs,the biggest snowfalls since 2013,the french meteorologists said.
               Heavy snow is not common in Paris. The average winter sees 15 days with some snowfalls,
but most of those are only a dusting.
               It was the biggest snow accumulation in decades in Paris coating Montmartre,Notre Dame de Paris and the Eiffel Tower in a pristine layer of white.
               Paris may be famous for its springtime.Many striking photos of Paris in snow have been circulating on the Internet with snowfall having been at levels not seen for more 30 years.Some of
them especially caught our eyes.
               Photos of record snowfall in Paris are just as dreamy as you'd expect.
                                                                   *    *

               Heavy snow covered our flowering peach garden. We walk on snow covered path in our Dao Hoa flowering peach garden in Paris suburbs as winter weather  with snow and freezing temperature arrived in France..
               Our flowering peach trees  were covered with heavy dumping of snowfalls.
               Snow turned France into winter wonderland.Paris wakes up to spectacle snowy scenes

               Look at that beautiful white coat covering our Dao Hoa flowering peach garden.

               We are pleased to show you some shots taken from our Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden for watching  :




                                                                                NGUYEN DINH MAO
                                                                       Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden