Ornamental Flowering Peach Blossoms in Springtime


                                                  I N   S P R I N G- T I M E

                                   with DMV crossbreed flowering peach trees varieties

Stock photos and images taken at Flowering Peach Garden - Ile-de-France

Floraison printanière de pêchers à fleurs ornementales,varietés hybrides DMV
Photos prises au Jardin de Pêchers à fleurs Dao Hoa - Ile-de-France

Hình ảnh tiết xuân, hoa đào cảnh DMV lai tạo, nở rộ tại vưòn Đào Hoa vùng Ile-de-France


                          After a long cold winter,spring is just around the corner,because ornamental flowering peach trees come into blossom. It is a marvellous time of year and you could be captivated
by the beauty of their pink, white and red double petalled flowers that last about 3 weeks.
                          There are rootstocks multigrafted with different coloured peach varieties in order to create variegated cultivars that really bring us joy in springtime.
                          Ornamental flowering peach blossoms are some of the most beautiful  flowers coming in bright colors during the arrival of spring.They normally start flowering from the first warmer days of March in Ile de France and are past flowering in April.
                         You can change your mind and your world just by smiling each time you see flowers
of peach trees in springtime. The ornamental flowering peach blossom during the arrival of spring
is one of the most magnificent sights to behold.
                         It really does tell us that spring is upon us and remind us of the traditional Spring Têt festival during which peach flowers play a really  big part in celebration.





                        The  flowering peach tree is the tree developed specially for its ornamental attritbutes namely its lovely spring blossoms .
                        Ornamental flowering peach trees are one of the most wonderful signs that Spring
has arrived and they make enchanting addition to your yard .The seasonal flagrane and eye catching flowers can serve as accent point in your landscape .They also provide an illuminating appearance that few shade trees can match.

                                           Influence of chilling time on peach blossom


                        Flowering peach trees like fruiting trees in the rose family that are native to temperate climate, must undergo an annual process called vernalization .
                        Vernalization is the induction of plant' flowering process by exposure to the prolonged cold of winter..After vernalization,plants have acquired the ability to flower .
                        Flowering peach trees grown in temperate climates require vernalization and must experience a period of low winter temperature to initiate or accelerate the flowering process.The
required cold  is expressed in chill hours or chilling time. Typical vernalization temperatures are hours below 7 degrees Celsius (45 degrees Fahrenheit).
                       The prolonged exposure to these temperatures initiates the internal processes that will
produce flowers the following spring.
                       Excessively cold winter can kill branch tissues and entire peach trees and an insufficient number of cold days (chilling hours) can prevent the formation of any flowers . Even though winter cold is required to produce the springtime flowers.
                      Peach breeders have developed. peach varieties that have low chill hour requirements resulting in trees that receive only a couple days of chilling weather still able to produce flowers.
Such peach trees are grown where winters are typically too mild for standard peach trees.
                     Most peach varieties recommended for Paris suburbs have chill hour requirements between 500 and 800 hours.
                    If your peach tree has a lower chill hour requirement,it accumulates the chill hours for the year and after a few weeks of warm temperature,it is ready to break buds or flower.
                   When you are selecting peach varieties it is important to keep this in mind, because peach varieties must have chill hour requirements that are appropriate for the area.
                  Peach buds flowers can be damaged by freeze. Buds can take temperatures as low as
-18 degrees Celsius. Fully open flowers can withstand temperartures in the high 20'.
                 Chilling time  = Minimum number hour requirements below 7 degrees Celsius
                                                                                                                ( 45 degrees Fahrenheit)
                The amount of chilling time for a peach is dependent on the variety grown. Here in Ile de France we normally select peach varieties that require 600 - 800 hours of chilling.
                 As soon as the chilling requirements are met, the tree will begin to wake up and even bloom during warm periods of last winter before the danger of freeze or frost events has past. That
is why we plant the higher chilling varieties.

                Climate continues to strongly influence where peach trees are grown across Ile de France.
Gardeners must take care to cultivate varieties in climates with adequate chilling, but also to protect young shoots and buds from frost damage.
                 Peach trees need cold weather, but some need fewer chill hours than others. Peach varieties vary greatly in the number of chilling hours : The lower chilling requirement,the earlier the tree will begin growing once temperatures are warm enough. For low chilling requirement varieties, the requirement is quickly met during winter. Once the chilling requirement is met, any warm period during the remainder of the winter will cause peach trees to prematurely bloom and the blossoms will be killed by the next frosty temperature. However for high chilling requirement varieties, if the chilling requirement is not met, trees will bloom very erratically, producing deformed flowers and leaves.
                 In the fall peach trees lose their leaves and enter a dormant state in order to survive winter. To end dormancy,they require a certain amount of winter cold (the chilling requirements) followed by a certain amount of heat. The chilling requirements vary widely among varieties.
                 Peach tree varieties with chilling requirements much lower than received at the planting location may end dormancy and bloom early subjecting tree blossoms to freeze damage.
                 Conversely varieties with chilling requirement much higher than received will suffer delayed  weak blooming and leafing.


                        I have a nice sunny day with the spring breeze ;

                        I look at peach blossoms in their colorful attire




                     PEACH GARDEN

            S T O C K  P HOTOS  &




Ornamental flowering peach trees

                   ORNAMENTAL FLOWERING PRUNUS PERSICA leaf curl resistant-tolerant 

                                    DMV  CROSSBREED  VARIETIES

                            Pêchers à fleurs ornementales,variétés  DMV résistantes-tolérantes à la maladie
                           de la cloque du pêcher.

                                          Cây Đào Hoa Cảnh chống-chịu được bịnh xoăn rộp lá.






What’s a spring yard without flowering tree

Nothing prettier than an ornamental flowering peach

I was born in a country where flowering peach trees bloomed early in spring and are symbolic of good life.

I have created my flowering peach garden away from my native homeland to rejoice in the nostalgic and beautiful blooming of the trees. You are invited to view pictures taken from my Flowering peach garden in Paris suburbs .




Dao Hoa multipetalled flowering Prunus Persica

The genus prunus is comprised of approximately 450 species which are spread throughout the northern temperate regions of the globe. They include peaches, plumbs, cherries, nectarines, apricots and almonds in the rose family : The botanical name Prunus Persica refers to Persia (Iran) from where it came to Europe.

Peach trees are excellent small trees for the home garden, growing to around 4mx8m. Double petal flowers are available in red, white and pink for flowering peach trees. Flowering peach tree is often seen as a center piece in oriental garden designs for its graceful appearance. Fruiting peach trees and flowering peach trees are symbolic in many cultural traditions in Asia.

Genetic studies suggest peaches originated in China where they have been cultivated since the early of chinese culture cir. 2000BC. The peach was brought to America by spanish explorers in the 16th century,eventually made it to England and France.

Peach trees are grown primarily as a fruit tree, however great interest in flowering peach tree was shown by President Thomas Jefferson who planted a double flowering peach tree that spectacularly bloomed at his home in Virginia in 1805 : Flowering peach trees rate high and desirable for planting. These ornamental flowering peach trees are fewer or sterile in fruit production and bloom in spring. They are multipetalled flowering trees and available for planting and flowering with colors of red, white and pink.

Fruiting peach trees are loaded with colorful clusters of single flower peach petals. They are planted for their sweet and juicy, fleshy fruits.

Ornamental flowering peach trees are grown for their beautiful double flowered peach petals. Their colored flowers are pink, red and white depending on the variety. They are planted for their beautiful and eye-catching multipetalled flowers.

Definition and description of the ornamental flowering peach

Any of various peach varieties grown primarily for their ornamental flowers which may be red, pink and white and are often double flowered peach petals.
The lifting flagrance of early flowering peach trees tease the air : flowering peach trees bloom very early in the spring and the flowers of red, white, pink are the most common colors. Ornamental flowering peach trees produce flower displays that arguably rival of cherries.

For the flowering tree to remain healthy and produce its flowers, it needs to grow in a sunny location in a fertile moist well draining soil.

Flowering peach blossom includes two ranges of petals (double petals or multipetalled) and numerous tiny hairlike stamens. The flowers are born singly on the branch twigs, although many flowers can occur all along the branch to make it look like it is clothed in blossoms.

Blooming time depends on local climate peach tree : in Paris suburbs, peach tree blooming starts in mid March, lasts 3 weeks and ends in April. Over the course of 15 to 21 days, flowers are open on the various branches on a peach tree.
Warmer spring temperatures hasten or shorten the flowering season whereas a cool weather regimen prolongs the gradual display of flowers. Flowering peach trees are very sensitive to late spring frosts and freezes : Peach trees may bloom too early and the flowers could be killed by frosts or freezes.
It’s hard to forecast the blossom of peach trees this year 2016 as last winter was warm, but this spring is freezing (in Ile de France) which damages the buds and flowers.


Attaching symbolic value to plants, flowers and trees is phenomenon common to all languages and cultures.

In Asia the cultivation or appreciation of plants and flowers is something that began thousand of years ago. From those times, asian people had endowed many plants with significance. Writers, poets and painters have long depicted flowers and trees in their artistic pursuits.
Overtime, the symbolism of plant has become a complex part of a national culture. Historically, plants have also been thought to embody certain spiritual features that have shaped the custom and character of a country.
In Asia, peach blossoms are thought to represent pretty ladies. In Vietnam people calls "Dao = peach flower" which means girl. Peaches ares symbolic in many cultural traditions such as arts, paintings and folktales as peach immortality.


Peach blossoms are highly prized in China culture. The ancient chinese believed the peaches to possess more vitality than any tree, because their blossoms appear before leaves sprout.
In China, peach flowers are sure the best choice for your home as they bring strong healing energy of new beginning, a sense of freshness and innocence. Most often, the image of peach blossom is used as a symbol of love and health.
Chinese also nicknamed peach tree, the tree of life because it symbolizes longevity and fertility. Ancient chinese artwork going back as far as the 10th century BC shows the peach as a symbol of longevity, female sexuality, purity and truth; It is the YIN.
A peach with the leaf attached symbolizes the union of the heart and tongue hence truth. Peaches are mentioned in chinese writings as far back as the 10th BC and were a favored fruit of king emperors.

Peaches play an important role in chinese mythology and history and were said to have magical powers. Peaches are mentioned in ancient pieces of chinese literature and art such as Tao Yuanming's, the tale of the peach blossom spring. Chinese classical literature is also filled with peaches. Chinese poetry is also full of allusions to peach flowers. Here's one from Li Bai (Lý Bạch) poems :

Conversation on the Mountain - Li Bai
You ask for what reason, I stay on the green mountain,
I smile, but do not answer, my heart is at leisure,
Peach blossom is carried far off by flowing water,
Apart, I have heaven and earth in the human world.


The cherry symbolize the national character of Japan. This is because the short life of the cherry blossoms became allegory for the short life of a feodal samurai could be expected at any time to sacrifice his life for his master! A saying the japanese is that the cherry is among flowers as the samurai is among men : the cherry have become a large part of culture of that nation.
Cherry blossom has become the national flower of the country. For that reason the peach blossom has never attained the fame in japan art or among their poets and seems to be very little warm in a japanese house all through the long, regulated to secondary rank by the artist as a decorative motive and material. There are quite a few japanese proverbs that include flowers.


Peach leaf curl is the common disease of peach trees that develops mainly in regions of the northern two thirds of France where the cold and humidity are conductive to the development of fungi.
Most cases, peaches found in orchards or home gardens are fruiting trees. They are planted for their delicious fruits.

The last peach orchard of Paris

Parisian "Pêchers" of Montreuil became famous within high society even the Queen of England, the Prime of Wales and Russian Tsars came to the peach orchards of Montreuil to taste the unique varieties of parisian peaches.
Paris became home to a thriving peach trees : Established during the seventeenth century of the eastern edge of Paris known as Montreuil, a 300 hectare maze walls and agricultural plots provided an unique microclimate for the trees normally suited for cultivation in warmer areas.
The peculiar architecture known as "Murs à pêches" walls for peaches served to protect trees planted near the walls and adapt them to a much colder environment. Cultivars were single petalled fruiting trees : They were planted for their fruits (not for their ornamental flowers).

Paintings of flowering peaches

A series of paintings which artist Vincent Van Gogh executed in Arles in southern France in the spring of 1888 : Van Gogh arrived in Arles in February 1888 and the peach trees were in blossom.
Appreciating the symbolism of rebirth, Van Gogh worked with optimism and zeal on about fourteen paintings of flowering trees in the early spring.
Flowering peach trees were special to Van Gogh ; they represented awakening and hope. He enjoyed them aesthetically and founded joy in painting flowering trees.
Peach flowers seem to be forgotten for home decoration by the french people. They often confuse them with cherry blossoms.


Peach trees are said to be native to China, but I'm convinced that there are varieties of peach trees native to Vietnam, in the highland areas :

Il existe dans les massifs montagneux de l'Indochine,dans le haut du Tonkin et dans les parties de la Chine qui confinent ce pays, un assez grand nombre de fruitiers qui méritent l'attention non seulement pour leur utilisation en Indochine, mais aussi en Europe et dans certaines parties de l'Afrique du Nord.
Ces espèces qui pour la plupart, au moins en Indochine, n'ont jamais été greffées, ni sélectionnées seraient sans doute améliorables. Plusieurs, grâce à leur rusticité et à leur résistance aux maladies, pourraient fournir des portes greffes intéressants.
Enfin, la plupart pourraient être le point de départ d'HYBRIDATIONS permettant d'améliorer la pomologie générale.
Le pêcher est très répandu au Tonkin et dans le haut Laos. On ne le greffe jamais de sorte qu'il est rare de rencontrer de bons fruits. La forme que l'on trouve habituellement dans les jardins annamites porte un mamelon pointu au sommet du fruit (variété mamose Hort), mais on trouve aussi des formes à fruits parfaitement sphériques. La chair est ordinairement dure, peu aqueuse et très adhérente au noyau.
Enfin dans les régions élevées du Tonkin et du laos, on rencontre en pleine brousse, des pêches à chair mince et inmangeable qui paraissent bien spontanés. Mr. Miéville s'est servi de ces plantes ou du pêcher annamite pour greffer les pêchers de France.
Auguste Chevalier Revue de Botanique appliquée et d’Agriculture coloniale - Année 1923 - Vol 3 n° 17 - pp 28-37
Le Nord de l'Indochine dans la région montagneuse au dessus 800m d'altitude est un pays de prédilection pour la culture du pêcher qui existe dans tous les villages Mường, máns, mèos. On l'observe fréquemment à l'état sauvage dans la forêt secondaire et jusque sur les rochers inaccessibles. Il en existe diverses variétés sauvages.
Auguste Chevalier Revue de Botanique appliquée et d’Agriculture coloniale - Année 1942 - Vol 22 n° 251 - pp 363-391

Flowering peach trees of Vietnam : A successful combination of technical skulls and cultural factors

In developing countries, ornamental culture is usually export oriented. In vicinity of large town in Vietnam, flowering peach trees are produced for local market only. They represent an interesting aspect of the temperate germplasm of Vietnam and a special economic strategy is implement : Very tiny fields can yield a high income which has promoted the development of a real flowering peach industry especially around the capital of the country.
Red peach flowers are essential for the traditionally celebrating Têt, the vienamese new year. This factor has led to the economic success of close to town horticulture. No parts of the overcrowded Red River delta close to West lake in the capital of the country are wasted.
Patrice Blanchet 


The warm pink red of peach flowers symbolizes the admiration and gratitude of the vietnamese to Heaven and Earth and their ancestors and demonstrates their aspiration for a life of plenty.

Visitors are engulfed in an ocean of colorful peach flowers during the traditional Têt festival. People say that peach flower blossoms in spring during Têt Holiday while most other flowers still stay dormant symbolize the strong vitality.

Displaying flower branches of peach tree in the house during the Têt New Lunar Year has become a cultural tradition among vietnamese. Vietnamese people has used to display bud and flower sticks of flowering peach tree to celebrate the upcoming new Lunar Year with all family members.
Prayers to ancestors and best wishes to parents and bonus for children are common acts during the traditional vietnamese Têt festival.

The presence of the flowering peach blooms amplify the solidarity atmosphere of family reunion. The Têt of the Lunar Year is above all an opportunity to invite and welcome deceased ancestors back for a family reunion with their descendants to join the family Têt celebration.
This custom has become sacred and secular and therefore, no matter where they are or whatever the circumstances, family members find ways to come back to meet their loved ones, gather for a diner of traditional foods : flowering peach trees, symbol of life and good fortune are used for decoration of the family reunion room.

Tenderly in my garden away from my homeland, my flowering peaches are smiling at spring breeze.

Nguyen Dinh Mao
Dao Hoa Flowering peach garden