ORNAMENTAL  YELLOW  FLOWERING  TREES

Arbres Ornementaux à fleurs  simples  et  jaunes 
     Loại cây Mai Vàng, hoa đơn cánh



           Warm and cheerful , it's a stimulating colour with dynamic tone

 movement .             Yellow brings warmth and light . The colour yellow ls associated with

cheerfulness and celebration .
             Yellow symbolises happiness ,optimisation, positivity,clarification, inspiration and fun .
               Yellow is a cheerful colour that conveys youthful fresh energy. It is the
colour of hope and creativity.
                Yellow signifies joy , glory,  friendship,enthusiasm .
                Bright yellow can lend a sense of happiness and cheerfulness
                Softer yellow is commonly used as a gender neutral colour for babies
 and young children .
                 Light yellows also give more calm feeling of happiness.
                  Dark yellow and gold hued yellow can sometimes look antique and be
used in designs where a sense of permanence is  desired .

Yellow spiritually attracts and brings you focus  warmth cheerfulness   It increases    mental activity and muscle energy  .
         The colour yellow can help to activate the memory , encourage  communications, enhance vision, build confidence and stimulate the nervous system.
          You fell happy energetic confident.  




             Every one loves flowers .
      Flowers presented to elderly people a positive mood and improved episodic memory. Flowers can have actual therapeutic benefit  for seniors, including 
  decreasing  depression, increasing recent memory , reducing social withdrawal
and boosting happiness.
     A six month behave study involving over 100 senior participants was conducted  at Rutgers  state University of  New Jersey  in 2001;  Researchers were falling up on a 2000 studies which  revealed a link between  and greater life satisfaction to explore the healing power of  flowers.
     The results were unmistakable 81% of seniors who received flowers reported reduce depression.   3 ways the gift of flowers can also be the gift of well being for  the senior in your  life :
        1)  Decreased  stress , anxiety , and depression  .

        2)   Socialisation and compassion . 

         3)   Refresh recent memories .   

                          KERRIA JAPONICA  SIMPLEX ORIGINATE  to china ,Korea                                

            (  William Kerr  )  Biologist,Plants Collector  1761    - 1834 

     The Kerria plant is not original to Japan, country where it has been  naturalized,

but from China .It had been classified as such by european botanists who worked

in 19è  century on written descriptions from Japan .

     Kerria is  native to the forests and montanous slopes of southwestern China and

Japan. It got its name in memory of WILLIAM KERR ,a gardener at the Royal

 Botanic  Garden KEW, an avid lover and collector of oriental plants.


                                 D E S C R I P T I O N 

   Eukerria simplex  is a genus of ornamental deciduos shrubs with thin leaning branches , neat leaves and sunny yellow flowers . Flowering lasts from spring to mid -summer .

   A fast growing eukerria simplex  shrub reaches 1 - 3 m in hight. The greenish 

purple branches of the plant forms a cône shaped crown. In the wild, it is found

in the thicket on the mountain slopes . Flowers and leaves have a decorative 

appearance lanceolate . Alternate leaves : 4  - 10 cm long with double  notches.

The upper part  is smooth the lower part is pubescent.  Petiole  glabous  5 - 15 cm 

long .

    In summer they have a delicate light  green color and in autumn they become

impressively  bright yellow .

                                                  C  U  L  T I  V  A  T  I  O  N

   In the middle lane Eukerria does't  grow above 1,20 m.  Separately in the garden

corner, the plant grows above  2,50 m . Eukerria tree in great pot ( o,80  _ 1m 

diameter) gardening grows above 2 m .

   The plant is photophilous but in the sun  the flowers have a paler appearence.

   Eukerria  is capable of developing in the semi shady corner .


                                            P R O P A G A T I O N         

   The process of reproduction occurs with green cuttings, air layering, but 

the   simplest is propagation by offspring i.e extraction of young shoots with 


            Cuttings are practiced at the end of summer ;place them in a damp 

sandy trench in the open air. The stems of the plant are hollow ,so cut 

directly under  the leaf node where there should be no voids .  Water the 

the plants as needed. Grow in any well drained or most drained soil in sun or



                 This plant is best grown in sun to part shade in average ,medium

   moisture, well drained soil  . Tolerate full shade , dry soil and well soil .

The flower color fades in strong sunlights. Generally pest and disease free.

Bkooms on the previous year,s



           Ornamental yellow flowering Eukerria simplex trees will look great in any garden especially when  combined with other colourful plants . This plant produces

plenty of gorgeous flowers that have vibrant yellow petals







                         V Ư Ờ N        Đ À O    H O  A   C Ả N H


                                                    Dinh Mao Nguyên
                                                    Thi Vân Nguyên




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